Monday, May 30, 2011

ABKC CH Homie of The Bully Market -- Raw and Uncut

This is the male that started our kennel. Homie brings the look, the pedigree and all the intagibles we look for in a foundation stud. Homie off Diegos Thing and Santanas Trendy and is a girthy, standard size bully with alot of substance. His movement is excellent, usually a lot better than shown in this video so I will post up some more soon. Homie's kids are starting to come into their own and proving to be a producer of producers.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Oprah Winfrey the 1st season

Oprah Winfrey 1st solo video. She's about 4 weeks young in the video. She's out of Celly and OG Double SS Tonka. Really digging her head shape and everyone knows that Tonka Blood throws a great head piece. Will be posting some more videos soon. Expecting these puppies to stay short, compact and correct. Blood to Produce too!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

LL and Homie

This is two of our foundation studs. Homie and Lock N Load. A very serious father son duo right here. Check out the structure, conformation and movement on these boys. Homie is an ABKC Champion and Lock N load is well on his way. Will post some more video soon